Tuesday, 25 September 2012

The Advantage of Open Source Testing

The Advantage of Open Source Testing

 Here I want to share my suggestion for the fresh testers. As I have already mentioned in my blog " A Few Tips for Testing Fresher” about my approach in testing and bug reporting,  here  I wish to share my ideas on advantage of doing an open source testing. If you are already aware of that and practicing it then it’s good.  Here I wish to tell the fresher’s who might not aware of such thing and might not have heard about the open source testing. Okay, I suggest it is good to practice an open source testing. This helps you to improve yourselves in learning how to test.

What is an open source testing?
These are software products whose source code is publicly available and under an open source licence to study, change, and to improve its design.

Choose any website and apply your test ideas and do some test.  If you find some issue in that application report that to the developers. If the issue is a considerable one and critical then, there are some organizations which they will pay for the one you have reported. Apart from that you yourselves keep learning by doing such test, where your testing skills are also being improved. Remember there is no bug free software that is available in market. So now there is a hope that you can find issue from any of the sites.

How long you can practice this? You can practice throughout your career. You can also add this in your CV that gives more weight-age to your CV. This will create a confidence among you and helps you to test better and faster. So I suggest you to do an open source testing as one of your hobby. So keep practicing. As my coach says, consider there is a big war that is yet to come. So how you keep yourself prepared for that?  One of the ways to prepare myself is to do an open source testing. Though doing an open source testing as one of my hobby, that question made me to do more and more test. This helped me to test faster with some more new ideas. The fresher’s who are guided by a right coach, means that they are in the right path. Why I want to mention this is unless my coach tells about this, I was not aware of such testing. Now I realized the importance and seriousness of doing such testing. So I wish all the fresh testers to practice this open source testing. Apart from fresh tester it is good even if an experienced professional practice an open source tests and also helps a fresh tester to practice this testing and be ready to face the war that are yet to come. Smile J
Mobile: 08951737784

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