Thursday 13 June 2013

When to stop testing

When to stop testing ?
This is somewhat a complicated question but answerable. Every problems has some solution. Before stating to test a product one should be aware of the time given to test. Based on the time one should plan what to test and how to test. Covering the entire module in deeper(reaching every corner) is not an easy task but one could cover the entire module (the necessity features ) by using the testing techniques they prefer.

How to know whether the feature is a necessity or not? 
This could be possible only by knowing(having a good knowledge) about the product. So, having a good knowledge on the product leads to a better quality of the testing.

Testing is a never an  ending activity and  we can never assume or assure that 100 % testing has been done. Learning the product in a very short time, Preparing the test data, or test script, preparing the test report by covering the maximum modules will be a a great stuff of a tester and  it's a challenge too.
The real testing experience(stuff) matters a lot here, not the year of experience. I believe stuff(experience) is the ability of an individual not the experience letter that one holds.
We can minimize the risk of the testing by doing some "X" testing and covering some "N" modules.

Things to be focused before shipping the product to the client
1. Number of modules covered
2. Number of bugs found
3. Time to fix those bugs
4. Meeting the client requirements to some point.
5. Defect rates fall below the specified level.

Things to be focused while shipping the product to the client
1. The critical bugs  are fixed and tested again
2. The risk in the product is under acceptable limit.

Testing is never an ending process We can not test till all the defects are found and removed. It is not possible at all. At some point, we have to stop testing and ship the product to the client. So, one could stop testing after performing the above mentioned task within the available time, budget, etc.

My Contact Information:

Phone: 07639959901
Twitter: pradeep.lingan1

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